2K cumple 20 años este año y, para celebrarlo, algunos de los títulos y franquicias más populares de 2K estarán a la venta en las plataformas propias Xbox y Steam. La oferta incluye algunos de los mayores éxitos de la biblioteca de 2K, con clásicos atemporales como Borderlands 3 y Mafia Trilogy, NBA 2K25 y WWE 2K24.
Disponible solo en Steam, habrá un paquete «20 por 20» que incluye 20 de los famosos títulos históricos de 2K.* ¡Experimenta la grandeza de la biblioteca de 2K con clásicos atemporales como Civilization IV, el Mafia original, Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition y más!
Plataformas, ofertas y fechas**:
Microsoft oferta de 2K Publisher, del 2/4/25 al 17/2/25
Steam oferta de 2K Publisher, del 2/6/25 al 20/2/25
2K titles included in sales on Steam:
- Bioshock Collection (80% off)
- Borderlands 3 (90% off)
- Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box (75% off)
- Civilization V Complete Edit (75% off)
- LEGO 2K Drive (60% off)
- Mafia 1 Definitive Edition (80% off)
- Mafia Trilogy (75% off)
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns (85% off)
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns Legendary Edition (80% off)
- NBA 2K25 All-Star Edition (65% off)
- NBA 2K25 Standard Edition (67% off)
- Risk of Rain (80% off)
- Risk of Rain 2 (67% off)
- The Quarry (85% off)
- The Quarry Deluxe Edition (85% off)
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (80% off)
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition (80% off)
- TopSpin 2K25 (67% off)
- TopSpin 2K25 Grand Slam Edition (67% off)
- WWE 2K24 (67% off)
- XCOM 2 (40% off)
2K titles included in sales on Microsoft:
- Bioshock Collection (80% off)
- Borderlands 3 (90% off)
- Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box (75% off)
- LEGO 2K Drive (60% off)
- Mafia 1 Definitive Edition (80% off)
- Mafia Trilogy (75% off)
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns (85% off)
- Marvel’s Midnight Suns Legendary Edition (80% off)
- NBA 2K25 All-Star Edition (65% off)
- NBA 2K25 Standard Edition (67% off)
- Risk of Rain (75% off)
- Risk of Rain 2 (75% off)
- The Quarry (85% off on XB1) (86% off on XBS)
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (80% off)
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition (80% off)
- TopSpin 2K25 (67% off)
- TopSpin 2K25 Grand Slam Edition (67% off)
- WWE 2K24 (75% off)
- XCOM 2 Collection (90% off)